Beauty Without Cruelty Part 2

Beauty Without Cruelty Part 2

                          Leaping Bunny Logo                                                                          PETA logo

The Coalition for Consumer Information on Cosmetics’ (CCIC) Leaping Bunny Program administers a cruelty-free standard ensuring that no animal testing is used in any phase of product development by the company, its laboratories, or suppliers. The internationally recognized Leaping Bunny Logo is displayed on packaging for consumer recognition. You can look for the above two logos on the packaging of products for assurance that you are supporting cruelty free companies.

Do you manufacture and sell cosmetic, household or personal care products?

If so, we encourage you to apply here to become Leaping Bunny certified. Once approved, your company will be listed on the Leaping Bunny online and published Compassionate Shopping Guide, also your company will be included in media and marketing opportunities by Leaping Bunny.

Do you want to make a difference as a consumer?

What you can do:

-Vow to not purchase products from companies that use animals as test subjects. You can show your commitment by signing the Pledge to Be Cruelty-Free here. 

-If you have a smart phone download the Leaping Bunny app. It is a great tool to have, it lists out the cruelty-free companies which you can click on each company name for a description and website. Or you can search by product type such as toothpaste and it will give you a list of cruelty-free toothpaste companies.

-Speak out for animals, there are many creative ways to spread the word. You can follow Leaping Bunny on Facebook here to support and bring awareness to others.

-Give your family and friends copies of the Compassionate Shopping Guide (request multiple copies by e-mailing

-There are many grocery stores, health food stores and beauty salons carrying products approved in the Compassionate Shopping Guide. Ask your favorite store if they would display the Compassionate Shopping Guide in the store. Store managers can request a free Retail Display Kit by calling (888)546-CCIC

-Urge the FDA to end painful tests on animals by just signing your name here

-Urge the National Institute of Health to stop funding for cruel experiments on cats by just signing your name here

Where you put your dollar matters. We can make a change by not funding others to abuse our animals. Lets not fund the below experiences anymore now that we know. The below facts are taken from

-In a violent experiment at the University of Pennsylvania, puppies were bred to have a degenerative eye disease that culminates in blindness. During the study, 3-week-old beagles had their eyes cut out and were killed.

-Dogs are a favored species in toxicology studies. In these studies, large doses of a test substance (a pharmaceutical, industrial chemical, pesticide, or household product) are force-fed to animals or injected into their bodies, slowly poisoning them.

-At Ohio State University, vivisector George Billman forced surgically manipulated dogs to run on a treadmill until they collapsed from a heart attack. The dogs were killed, and the damage to their heart tissue was studied.

-22,000 cats are abused in U.S. laboratories every year—in addition to the tens of thousands who are killed and sold to schools for cruel and crude classroom dissections.

-Rabbits are tormented in the Draize eye irritancy test, in which cosmetics, dish washing liquid, drain cleaner, and other substances are dripped into the animals’ eyes, often causing redness, swelling, discharge, ulceration, hemorrhaging, cloudiness, or blindness. The rabbits are killed after the experiment is over.

-In skin corrosion tests, rabbits’ backs are shaved and corrosive chemicals are applied to their raw skin and left there for up to two weeks. These chemicals often burn the skin, leading to tissue damage. Rabbits are also given no pain relief during this excruciatingly painful test, and after the test is finished, they are killed.

-Every year in the U.S., more than 125,000 primates are imprisoned in laboratories, where they are abused and killed in invasive, painful, and terrifying experiments

-In pharmaceutical tests, thick gavage tubes are forced up primates’ nostrils or down the animals’ throats so that experimental drugs can be pumped into their stomachs—even though the U.S. Food and Drug Administration reports that animal tests have an appalling 92 percent failure rate in predicting the safety and/or effectiveness of pharmaceuticals. Video footage taken by a whistleblower inside SNBL reveals the anguish and trauma that monkeys used in pharmaceutical tests endure.

-Pigs are mutilated and killed in invasive and deadly surgical training exercises at universities and hospitals. In the exercises, holes are cut into the animals’ throats, needles are stabbed into their bones, and the tissue surrounding their hearts and organs is removed. These deadly and archaic exercises continue, even though modern and superior non-animal simulation methods that better prepare trainees to treat human patients exist.

-At the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston (UTMB), pigs are subjected to third-degree burns on up to 40 percent of their bodies, with the open flame of a Bunsen burner or a scorching-hot metal rod.

-More than 100 million mice and rats are killed in U.S. laboratories every year. They are abused in everything from toxicology tests (in which they are slowly poisoned to death) to painful burn experiments to psychological experiments that induce terror, anxiety, depression, and helplessness. Mice and rats are mammals with nervous systems similar to our own. It’s no secret that they feel pain, fear, loneliness, and joy just as we do.

Learn more about animals used in experimentation here.

Click here for the lists of companies that are and are not cruelty-free.

To end on a light note. Below is a picture of activists rescuing beagle puppies from a breeder that was sending the puppies to a laboratory to be test subjects. So precious.

Beauty Without Cruelty Part 2

Read Beauty Without Cruelty Part 1 HERE

Read Beauty Without Cruelty Part 3 HERE

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  • WE are a sick society, when beauty depends on cruelty to any living thing.
    We should be thankful to those who are willing to risk their safety, to bring this to the public’s attention, and save as many animals as they do..
    thanks for this information, and hopefully it will bring a better understanding of our relationship with all creatures we share this earth with.
    Keep up the good work

    • Thank you for your comment Helena. We appreciate your support and your words. Thank you for caring and for making a difference by not supporting cruelty.

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