Anyone who has suffered from a skin ailment, psoriasis, eczema or dermatitis understands how it affects our daily life and can consume our day. Here is my story on how I cured my psoriasis.
Living with Psoriasis
I lived with psoriasis for over four years. My dad had psoriasis. His dad, my grandfather, also had psoriasis. Every day my psoriasis worsened and spread. The unsightly look of the plaques, the extreme itchiness and flaking of the plaques was so stressful and emotionally draining. It affected what I would wear, I didn’t wear any dark clothing, the flaking from the plaques would clearly be seen. The itchiness was enough to drive me crazy. Anyone with a skin disorder can understand this.
I am an aromatherapist, herbalist and into natural health. I tried so many different natural ways to try to heal my psoriasis. I researched and read numerous books on psoriasis. I experimented with removing wheat, soy, nuts and nightshade vegetables out of my diet and reduced consuming dairy products. I used aromatherapy sprays, drank herbal teas, took herbs, applied salves and lotions and soaked in sea salt and herbal baths to soothe my itchy skin. I worked on the emotional pattern of psoriasis. Nothing I did made a lasting impact on the symptoms of psoriasis. My psoriasis kept getting worse and got too much for me.
I finally went to my medical doctor and received a formal diagnosis of psoriasis and was prescribed medication. I was hoping there was something new on the market that would help without the horrible side effects from the medication. However, I knew I would not take the medication after reading the side effects and hearing stories from people on what happened to them from taking the medicine. I lost hope and succumbed to believe that my psoriasis is something that could never be cured. I would have to suffer and deal with it my entire life.
Out of the Blue Everything Changed
My daughter came up for a visit for about a month. I was vegetarian at the time and I was just getting into cooking. I never learned how to cook or cared to cook but recently was intrigued to learn how to cook. My daughter was interested in eating and cooking vegan out of compassion for animals. She shared with me about the unbelievable atrocities done to animals in factory farms. I watched documentaries and hidden videos on factory farms. I researched factory farming and how animals were slaughtered. It kept leading me deeper and then I uncovered the horrible things done in the dairy and egg industry.
We cooked and baked plant-based vegan. It was so fun and everything was delicious. I realized I didn’t need eggs in baking or cheese on pizza. It was all so clear to me how unbalanced our country has become by having animal products in everything! Through marketing and TV commercials we were brainwashed to consume more animals products so the beef, pork, chicken, lamb, dairy and egg corporations could make more money for themselves without a care for human health, cruelty to animals and environmental health. The United States eats more animal products than any other country and anytime in history. As I read labels I was shocked. Gelatin for instance is made from the skin, bones, and ligaments from horses, cows and pigs.
My Psoriasis Disappeared
When I started eating plant-based vegan all of a sudden my psoriasis disappeared very quickly. It truly was shocking. Every plaque and discoloration on my skin was gone! After suffering for years from psoriasis and have it affect every moment of my daily life and then for it to disappear was a miracle! It has been over five years and I have no symptoms or signs of ever having psoriasis. It was food related; a reaction from eggs and dairy. When the body is sensitive or allergic to an ingredient, the organs are on overload and can’t process the toxin and therefore it comes out through the skin.
Our body is very intelligent. All we have to do is pay attention and listen to it. Don’t fall into the trap and listen to the mainstream and the mass majority. What we have been told may not be true for us. As a child, I held my nose drinking milk. I detested milk, butter and cheese. I didn’t like eggs and would gag to eat them. Maybe my body knew since a child it was not good for me. And going against my body for too many years built up too many toxins in me and my body couldn’t process it anymore.
I love cooking and eating plant-based vegan. I feel great and have a tremendous amount of energy and I am almost 60 years old.
Hello Joan, I wanted to also recommend Dermal Therapy’s line of deeply moisturizing products. Dermal Therapy heals skin affected by psoriasis with urea and alpha hydroxy acids to gently exfoliate the excess skin away while attracting and trapping moisture. Their alpha hydroxy lotion and body wash are ideal for those struggling with psoriasis!