What makes Joan Morais Naturals courses different?
For over 10 years Joan Morais Naturals has assisted thousands from all over the world interested in learning how to formulate and make natural and organic cosmetics; skin and hair care products.
We offer cutting edge education and high-quality formulas using natural and organic ingredients.
We are the only online school offering all plant-based formulas and instructional materials containing no animal products. Many cosmetics contain pig oil, cow skin, hoofs, etc. Plant-based products contain no ingredient from any animal or processed with animal products. Plant-based ingredients are derived from plants, flowers, herbs, nuts, seeds, barks, seaweeds, grains.
We provide tried and tested formulas with step-by-step instructions to make them.
Not only does the course include many formulas to choose from, we train students on how to formulate their own unique formulas and develop it into a product and how to adjust formulas and make their own unique skin care and hair care products.
We offer continual support with lifetime access to the courses and a supportive community of skin care and hair care product makers. Plus we are easily reachable via email, through social media and by phone.